Sunday, December 8, 2013

Our Full and Festive Weekend

This weekend has been jam packed and I'm so thankful to be home now
in comfy socks with a cozy blanket watching Pioneer Woman on the Food Network.

Friday I took a personal day to follow Drew to drop his truck off in a small town outside of Nashville.
He drives a diesel and loves it but it needed a pretty major service.
Drew found this place online and did some research and it saved us nearly $2,000 going the extra miles.

The drive was three hours one way but it down poured the entire time.
Seriously, poured! 

We took Copper with us because we knew our Saturday was busy and didn't want him being home by himself all day Friday and Saturday.

I was thinking that 6+ hours in the car might be a bit much for him so I packed his favorite toys, treats, and a blanket. Little did we know, he loved the ride and we didn't use any of it. 

He was so good, just laid and stretched.
We took a few potty stops in the pouring rain but he didn't seem to mind, although we were soaked.

With the rain and some traffic we drove over 8 hours total and were exhausted.
So we picked up a Papa Murphy's thin crust meat loves and it hit the spot with my wine!

Saturday was one of my favorite Christmas events of the season!
Seriously, this is second only to the candle light service.

It's called the "Weigels Family Christmas" and Weigels (a local gas station) host area children for breakfast then they load buses and they get to shop at K-Mart for themselves with $150 to spend then have a celebration lunch afterwards.

The kids get all sugared up at breakfast as we wait for the buses!

Once we get to K-Mart we get paired up with a child. 
Drew and I do this together because it is so crowded with excited kiddos and Santa that I couldn't imagine doing this myself. This year we got a sweet 11 year old girl who knew exactly what she wanted and was very independent. On her list was a wax melt/warmer and boots and other crafty things.
 She really liked the shoes and enjoyed trying them on.
She decided on some purple sparkle boots and we picked out some matching gloves and a scarf to match.

Later Saturday evening we had a Christmas party.
Every year Drew's Dad host a "Dirty Santa" party.
It's always so nice to see everyone, enjoy good food, and get a good laugh at the tacky gifts.

Got to love Christmas parties!

Today is another rainy day! So tired of this dreary weather!

We went to church and enjoyed the awesome service and great music.
Afterwards we did a little shopping and had lunch at Pei Wei, one of our favorites!
Now I'm cuddled up (should be grading papers) and admiring the Christmas tree.
Tonight I'm making taco soup, one of our favorites!
I'll be blogging that later!
Have an amazing, stress-free week!!!!

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