
Thursday, February 20, 2014

Liebster Award

First I want to thank the beautiful and sweet mamma Ashley at Life On The Parsons Farm.
I've loved her blog for awhile now and enjoyed reading her "Liebster" answers and was so excited when she nominated Sugar, Spice, & Newlywed Life! If you haven't discovered her sweet blog about her family and precious little girl I would highly encourage it.
 This is an award for smaller blogs who have less than 200 followers.  And yep you guessed it I still have fewer than 200. 
Ultimately I would love to have more but I appreciate each and everyone of my readers whether you choose to follow or not! 

The Rules
Thank the person who nominated you and link them in your post. 

Tell 11 random facts about yourself.

Answer the 11 questions provided by the person who nominated you.

Choose  blogs you like and link them in your post. 

Write 11 questions for these bloggers, so they can answer them. 

Go to their page and let them know that you nominated them.
11 Random Facts about ME!

/1// Copper is my first dog I've ever had. Always had cats growing up. Although I loved them I was missing out. They really are mans gals best friend!

/2// In high school I could have cared less about my grades. Just kept them good enough to keep my parents happy. In college I learned quickly I would have to work MUCH harder. Proud to say I graduated with a 4.0
(shout out to all my tutors for the MANY hours of help #teamwork)

/3// Drew was the very first person I met on the first day of high school. We wouldn't date till the end of our sophomore year of college.

/4// I find scuba diving to be the most fun yet most scary thing I've ever done. I always remind Drew of the story of Jonah and the whale in  the Bible when we dive--he thinks I'm ridiculous. 

/5// I love to paint but I'm terrible at it.

/6// I could eat a piece of toast, 2 boiled eggs whites, and coffee for breakfast every day forever and be perfectly fine with that. It's the perfect combo!

/7// For years I've had a "purse fetish" but can't remember the last time I got a new one. I guess that means I'm getting old when I have a hard time spending the coin on a bag.

/8// I'm addicted to the little orange "cuties"--eat like 3 a day.

/9// I wore braces, head gear, etc. for YEARS!! To this very day I sleep in a retainer at least twice a week. (he thinks it's sexy cause he has them too ha)

/10// The only job I would do instead of teaching would be to stay home with our kiddos, breed Mini Aussies, and cook like the Pioneer Woman. 

/11// The longer I teach older kids the less I like younger kids. Makes me feel terrible saying that but seeing the kindergarten class cry and throw fits in the hall while they are sticky and screaming make me SO thankful my kids are self-sufficient.

1 Questions for YOU!!
  1. Who was your best friend in 2nd grade?
-In 2nd grade I got to be real close buddies to the boy next door that I grew up with. We would play all the time.

2. Did you ever go to Summer Camp?
-Cheer camp where I had my bra frozen in middle school. The embarrassing part of that wasn't that it was frozen but that I was the only girl with a training bra ha.

3. What is your favorite color?
-red!...but I also love pink...and I like wearing yellow and brown--okay I like lots of colors

6. Would you rather bake a pie or a cake?
-I absolutely hate pie! (my brother-in-law says that makes me un-American) But I love cupcakes especially sprinkles!

7. What is your dream car?
-My dream "every day" car would be a all blacked out Range Rover and my "toy" being a Mach 1 Mustang, also all blacked out.

8. What was the name of your first pet?
-A sweet kitty named Precious 

9. Do you consider yourself to be an expert in anything?
-Not an expert but I'm good at cooking and I really enjoy it

10. What is your favorite part of the Winter Olympics?
-I love the snowboarding! The half pipe and slope style blow my mind--how do they do that?!?

11. Did you like taking PE in high school?
-Yes and Ioved it! I took it in the Spring with all my best buds and we could run outside.

Now I get to nominate some of my favorites for the Liebster:

Kel over at Big Apple, Little Bites
Kayla over at Boy, oh {mammas} boys!
Shadia over at Baby Button Brown
Brittany over at Fabulously Faint
Linzi over at Little Gem
Jenna over at The Three Little Birdies
Megan over at Willow Way

<<My questions for you>>

-Spring or Fall?
-What if your favorite blog post you have written (link it) and why is it your favorite?
-If you won the lottery what would be the first three things you do?
-If you could live anywhere else, where?
- Favorite websites you seem to always go to?
- How do you picture your retired life?
-Cat or dogs?
- What's a sport you wish you were a pro at?
- Favorite "girlie" thing to do?
-Best dish you cook?
-Something you are looking forward to in 2014?

1 comment:

  1. Oh I love this!! Thanks so much for playing along!! So glad to read you liked PE (I am a PE teacher after all!!)
