
Wednesday, November 27, 2013

Thanksgiving Eve

I love Thanksgiving!
Of course I love the food aspect but it goes so much deeper than that.
I feel we should always have a thankful heart but sometimes taking
a time out (or a day out) to really reflect and be thankful can really bring some clarity and 
remind us all of how blessed we are!

The past two days have been some of the hardest I have had in my professional career as a teacher.
I felt pretty beaten down and defeated by a set of parents after some  damaging words were stated in an intense meeting. For the first time as a teacher I asked myself why I would ever allow myself to be talked to like that. I pour myself into teaching and feel it is my calling so to hear such hateful words were very upsetting. I will admit I came home really shaken up.

Today I had the day off (YAY!) and woke up to about an inch of snow on the ground.
It was a perfect morning to enjoy coffee with my favorite creamer and enjoy a warm blanket when I started checking my e-mail.

My inbox from school was full of encouraging messages from parents of students in my class. They had heard of some of the situation at school and messaged me thoughtful words that warmed my heart and put into perspective that everything will be okay.

I feel so grateful to be able to teach God's children every day.
I feel so grateful to teach at a school where my students and parents are so very supportive.
I feel so grateful that I work with coworkers who teach with compassion and care each day.
I feel grateful that my principal supports me.
I feel so grateful that God gave me the gift of teaching.

This has been a year of 'new' in every way. New school, new grade level, new common core, new marriage, new last name, new small group.
Nothing that I would change!

So thankful that Drew and I are healthy and enjoy our warm home. 
So thankful we are growing in our faith and that we have a close small group.
So thankful. 


  1. So much to be thankful for. I'm happy to hear you are feeling better after the situation. I'm thankful for finding your blog and being able to follow your journey. Happy Thanksgiving to you and your family.

    1. So thankful you found this blog too and I hope you have a wonderful Thanksgiving!
